Elections 2018

PhD Chapter Summer Extra Meeting Elections (June 19th, 2018)

Updated 2018-06-20 16:00

In this page are listed all the positions open for elections at the PhD Chapter Extra Summer Meeting on June 19th, 2018. The deadline for application was June 17th at midnight. Applications are now closed.

The application is considered valid if it was sent to board [at] dr.kth.se specifying: name, contact information (email and phone), school and department information, which position you apply for, a link to a short video (max 2 minutes) in which you explain why you would like to join such position and what experience makes you valuable for the PhD Chapter. Also, write “I authorize the PhD Chapter board to save and show the linked video to the PhD Chapter members for electoral purposes”. We will not accept any nominations missing the video or the aforementioned information. You can find two example videos from the previous elections at the bottom of this page.

A person can nominate someone else, but then the nominee must accept the nomination before it is considered valid.

Candidates for Treasurer

These elections are for 1 position to be occupied from 2018.07.01 to 2019.06.30. Nominations for this position are accepted only after an interview from the nominating committee. See details for application at the top of this page.

Elected member:

  • Jesper Karlsson (video statement here), EECS school, department of Robotics, Perception, and Learning (RPL).

Candidates for Board Member

The PhD Chapter Board is composed by a total of 10 Board Members including Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Treasurer. This elections are for a maximum of 7 positions to be occupied from 2018.07.01 to 2019.06.30. See details for application at the top of this page.

Elected members:

Not elected:

Candidates for Auditor for 2018-19

These elections are for 2 positions to be occupied from 2018.07.01 to 2019.12.31, extended in case the audit report is not handed at the end of the mandate. See details for application at the top of this page.

Elected member:

  • Milan Jocevski (video statement here), ITM school, Industrial Economics and Management department.

Candidates for Deputy Auditor for 2018-19

These elections are for 1 position to be occupied from 2018.07.01 to 2019.12.31, extended in case the audit report is not handed at the end of the mandate. See details for application at the top of this page.

Nominees: N/A.

Candidates for Master of Ceremonies (Klubbmästare)

These elections are for 1 position to be occupied from 2018.07.01 to 2019.06.30. See details for application at the top of this page.

Elected member:

  • Kateryna Morozovska (video statement here), EECS school, Department of Electromagnetic Engineering.

Elections completed at the PhD Chapter Summer Meeting (May 30th)


Elected member: Robin Palmberg (video statement here), ABE school, Urban Planning and Environment dept., Division of Systems Analysis and Economics.

The position is to be occupied from 2018.07.01 to 2019.06.30.

Vice Chairperson

Elected member: Tage Mohammadat (video statement here), EECS school, Electronic dept.

The position is to be occupied from 2018.07.01 to 2019.06.30.
