Useful PhD links

KTH, Royal Institute of Technology

Official website of the university.

THS, Tekniska Högskolan Studentkår

The official student union at KTH.

KTH’s Doctoral Education information

All the information about doctoral studies at KTH.

SFS PhD student committee

This is the SFS section for planning and handling questions related to doctoral students and postgraduate education.

KTH PhD Student Courses

Within a PhD education at KTH there are courses included. At this site you can find which courses that are offered at KTH in your field.

PhD Handbook (Doktorandhandboken)

Information about PhD studies from the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education.

Successful Academic

Professional resources for finishing your dissertation, landing a faculty position and getting tenure.

Tomorrow’s Professor Postings

The Tomorrows-Professor eNewlsetter has postings twice weekly, usually on Monday and Thursday mornings, Pacific Standard Time. The eNewsletter seeks to foster a diverse, world-wide teaching and learning ecology among its over 60,000 subscribers at over 950 institutions and organizations in over 100 countries around the world.
