Welcome (back!) to KTH

The PhD Chapter Chairperson (Ordförande) 2016/17 Andrea de Giorgio

The PhD Chapter Chairperson (Ordförande) 2016/17 Andrea de Giorgio

Dear PhD students,

Welcome (back!) to KTH for the 2016/17 academic year. As you may have noticed, we have never stopped working for you during summer. So, this post is mainly to remind you about the PhD Chapter’s love for your research and your rights as PhD students.

The new PhD Chapter board was elected at our summer meeting in June 2016 and is presented on this page.

Since last year, our website – now reachable at dr.kth.se – has been used to give you updates on how to get involved, who to contact for your questions and allow you to join or propose projects that the PhD Chapter should work on.

While you have fun with us, as in any of the other local student chapters at KTH, the PhD Chapter board works centrally (all ten schools are represented) at KTH with several committees and councils where important decisions about your studies and research are taken. To give you an idea, you may take a look at this page.

As you may know, there are two different PhD positions at KTH: PhD employees and PhD stipendiates. Both have the right to be represented by us.

We always keep our eyes open for LGBTQ-equality, working conditions, quality of education and research and you can of course always contact us if you have any issues or have any conflicts to be resolved within your PhD studies. It is our responsibility to help you overcome these, as well as representing all the about 2000 PhD candidates at KTH.

Remember that you are always, at any time of the day or from any part of the world, welcome to join the PhD Chapter in our activities and projects, suggest challenges to be addressed, be part of our school councils and start or join our projects.

As for the next activities at the beginning of this new academic year, don’t miss our first pub in September, the opportunity to practice yoga with us and, most importantly, the next PhD Boot Camp where you can learn everything about your rights as PhD students and how to become PhD student representatives yourselves! Further info on all these events will be posted soon. Stay tuned!

May this year be productive, successful and fun for all!

Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Chapter Chairperson (Ordförande) 2016/17


About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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