Elections 2018-01

PhD Chapter extra meeting elections (January 25th, 2018)

Apply by sending an email to board [at] dr.kth.se before January 22nd 23:59 with the following content:

1) Name

2) Contact information (email and phone)

3) School and department information

4) Specify which position you are applying for.

5) Short summary of why you would like to apply for such position (50-100 words).

6) List relevant previous experiences. For example with PhD representation work such as PAD representative, local school PhD board member, etc.


We are looking for the following candidates:

Vice chairperson (nominations: closed)

The PhD Chapter Vice Chairperson is a Board Member who closely collaborates with the Chairperson in order to manage the PhD Chapter. In case the Chairperson is absent, the Vice Chairperson is the only other Board Member who can lead the PhD Chapter Board meetings. Read more here on the PhD Chapter Board.

(1 position to be occupied from 2018.01.26 to 2018.06.30)

Current candidates:

  • Abdullah Khan – Elected
