Mindfulness with the PhD Chapter!


Young couple practicing yoga on the beach at sunset.

Mindfulness with the PhD Chapter!

There are plenty of health risks related to stress. However, researchers at universities are one of the groups who experience extensive stress (including us!). How can we handle stress properly and improve our mental wellbeing as well as productivity at work?

Come and join the mindfulness workshop organized by the PhD Chapter! Fika will be offered during the workshop.

The workshop will cover:

  1. How to deal with stress and negative emotions;
  2. How to practice mindfulness/ meditation/ MBSR;
  3. How to be mindful in digital age;
  4. How to use digital tech to support mental wellbeing.

Biosketch of the instructor (short):

Miguel Quintana’s passion is to share useful mindfulness-based approaches to be applied in daily life settings. Miguel is PhD in Psychology (Complutense University of Madrid), and holds a Master Degree in Health Sciences (University of Tsukuba, Japan). Miguel is specialized in MBSR

and mindfulness, having received his training at University of Massachusetts (Center for Mindfulness). Miguel has guided mindfulness workshops and MBSR programs for stressed workers, fibromyalgia and cancer patients and in educational and corporate settings since 2007.

Miguel Quintana is the founder of http://www.mindfulnets.org and creator of Mindfulness TS apps for online research and training in mindfulness.


When: Tuesday, November 15th

What time: 13.00-16.30

Where: Musikrummet, Floor 3 in Nymble, Drottning Kristinas väg 15. There will be signs at the entrance and we will be there to help you find it.

The number of places is limited, register HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/awULN0WwzHww8C3Y2

Cost: FREE if you are a member of THS/PhD Chapter (become a member here: http://thstudent.upright.se/), 30 kr otherwise (still a bargain!). Please bring cash.

Feel too stressed right now to join the workshop, or not available this time? Let us know so we may arrange it for another time! Please leave your interest here: https://goo.gl/forms/awULN0WwzHww8C3Y2





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