Do you want to learn more about how to give constructive and helpful feedback to your students?
The PhD Chapter, in collaboration with ECE-school and THS, are continuing the initiative “PhD Pedagogical Meetup”.
It’s an opportunity for you as a PhD student to get inspired, meet others who are interested in pedagogics, get hands-on tips and tricks as well as discuss the aspects of teaching that matter most to you. Also, you are not just a listener – we want you to contribute with your experiences and thoughts!
Our second topic is “Assessment – why, what, when and how?“, both aiming at giving you tools to improve assessment in your own teaching and inspire course responsibles to improve the assessment, both during the course and at the end of the course. During the meetup you will work on concrete assessment tasks with peer instruction and peer grading.
Date: Thuesday April 4th
Time: 17.30-20.00
Where: Salongen, KTH Library (KTHB), Osquars backe 31, Campus Valhallavägen
Register here
A meal and tea/coffee will be provided at the event.