PhD Boot Camp, Spring 2017

As a PhD student, we want you to have an excellent time at KTH where you thrive academically,
professionally, and personally. To reach this goal we need to train and work to improve the quality of your PhD program. Would you like to contribute towards improving the quality of PhD studies? Would you like to effectuate a positive change at KTH?

The PhD Boot Camp is organized so as to give you workshops on the rights of a PhD student and how to represent PhD students at KTH centrally or at your school, department, or division. If you are not (yet) a PhD representative but you are curious and want to know more about your rights and how to have a great time as a PhD student at KTH, then you too should sign up for the Camp.

At the PhD Boot Camp, on the 4th of May, you are provided with a welcome sandwich and coffee, followed by presentations, panel session, workshop and lunch. We will introduce you to the work of student and trade unions and the various routines of being a PhD representative at KTH. You will also get to know other PhD students, members of other PhD Councils and PhD Chapter Board and become part of a network of PhD students and PhD student representatives.

Where: Room V22 (map)
When: 4th of May, 09:00 – 12:00

Sign up for the PhD Boot Camp here! (Deadline for food 2nd of May at 12:00)

See you at the Camp!
Your PhD Chapter at KTH,
For further questions: vice [at]



About Taras Kucherenko

I am a PhD student at CSC in Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL). My main research interest is Machine Learning as a tool to make robots behave in a human-like way, including understanding and expressing emotions.
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