EECS School / Election party

Dear PhD Students and PostDocs of new EECS School,

The PhD Chapter, on behalf of their local representatives of PhD Student Councils at CSC, EES and ICT schools, kindly invite you on January 19th at 17:00 in our PhD PubT-Centralen” (Drottning Kristinas väg 29) to the first EECS PhD Student Council Election Party!

The EECS School is officially formed. Since 1st of January 2018 all the members of CSC, EES and ICT are a part of EECS. PhD Councils of former schools have made a decision to merge into one unit. We kindly invite PhD students and Post Docs to become a part of PhD Council of EECS.


17.00: food will be served and the PhD Pub will be open for the purchase of drinks

17.45: the elections for Chairperson will start, followed with election of the PhD Council members

20.00: elections conclude and the Pub is open for the public and guests from the other schools

*Candidates for Chairperson position will be announced later on by the EECS PhD Student Council website:

**The event is for EECS students only, please have your access card with you.

The original invitation is here.

About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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