PhD Chapter extra meeting and elections

It’s soon time for a PhD Chapter’s extra meeting! We will convene on Thursday January 25th at 17:30 in “T-centralen”, Drottning Kristinas väg 29.

This meeting will host elections for:

  • Vice chairperson, 1 position to be occupied from 2018.01.26 to 2018.06.30;

All the nominations can be made by email at board [at] until January 22nd at 23:59 following the instructions on this page. A nomination will only be valid if the nomination committee will have interviewed the candidate (on Skype is OK) before the chapter meeting. A person can nominate someone else, but then the nominee must accept the nomination and get interviewed before it is considered valid.

The agenda for the meeting will be posted here later on.

Welcome to join the next PhD Chapter meeting!


About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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