PhD Pedagogical Meetup


Would you like to improve as a teacher?
Are you stressed about having teaching duties and how to do it right?
Uncertain if your students learn the right things?

The PhD Chapter, in collaboration with ECE-school and THS, are starting an initiative we call “PhD Pedagogical Meetup”.

It’s an opportunity for you as a PhD student to get inspired, meet others who are interested in pedagogics, get hands-on tips and tricks as well as discuss the aspects of teaching that matter most to you!

Simply put, we will be arranging events with a focus on pedagogics with you as our target audience! Each meetup will focus on a theme (you are most welcome to suggest ideas!) and be collaborative. You are not just a listener – we want you to contribute with your experiences and thoughts!

Our first theme is “The teacher journey of a PhD student”, taking you from your first encounter with students (being a teacher) to being responsible for a course and working with course development.  Together as a group, we will work on strategies of how to encourage student participation and you will be inspired by unexpected and unconventional ways of explaining theory (think Angry Birds!).

The facilitators at the first event are Fredrik Lundell, associate professor at the School of Engineering Sciences, and Tomas Rosén, who recently obtained his PhD degree.

In 2011, Fredrik was awarded the “Teacher of the Year” by THS for his work in pedagogical development, especially for introducing peer instruction as part of his courses which was both appreciated by students and successful overall! At present, Fredrik is working on the integration of interactive teaching methods and online material to achieve deeper learning  increase student’s interest in the material.

Tomas has taught as an assistant during his time as a PhD student and will share his experiences and tips on how to get ready to teach and make the students interested.


Date: Wednesday November 30th
Time: 17.30-20.00
Where: Salongen, KTH Library (KTHB), Osquars backe 31, Campus Valhallavägen

Register here:

A small meal + tea/coffee will be provided. Questions?


About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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