A toolbox for increased productivity – From efficiency to effectiveness

Åsa Burman

Update: today there were 77 PhD students registered, so the location has changed!

The trade union ST and the PhD Chapter at KTH organize a seminar focusing on tools that you can use to increase your academic productivity, held by Åsa Burman from Finish On Time.

When:  Monday 6th March, 9.00 – 12.00

New location is K1, Teknikringen 56, level 3. KTH Campus.

A light lunch will be served after the seminar. If you are allergic or if there is something you cannot eat, please inform anne [at] kth [dot] se.
Please, sign up here for this interesting seminar, not later than Tuesday 28th of February.



About Andrea de Giorgio

PhD Candidate in Production Engineering and Chairperson 2016/18 of the PhD Chapter at KTH
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