The results are in!

Emma Riese



Yesterday, we held elections in the chapter hall for the coming academic year and here are the results!

Let us introduce our new Chairperson, Emma Riese! Emma has previously been a member of the board and has actively represented the PhD students in the Education Committee (Utbildningsutskottet) at KTH. We believe Emma will do a great job in leading the PhD Chapter Board and congratulate her on the electoral win!

Parts of the new board for the fall 2019: (from left to right) Rinat Yapparov, Alessandro Enrico, Emma Riese, Tage Mohammadat (unfortunately Kasra had already left when we took the photo)
Photos taken by: Milan Jocevski

There were four more board members elected. Two of these are elected for the coming academic year and two are by-elected for the fall as those positions will be elected during the fall because of the board reform issued by the resigning board. Apart from these positions, a new Master of Ceremonies was elected as well as a Vice Banner Carrier and Nominating Committee member was by-elected.

Chapter Board Members:
Chairperson (2019-2020): Emma Riese
Vice Chairperson (2019): Tage Mohammadat
Council Coordinator (2019): Alessandro Enrico
Education Manager (2019-2020): Kasra Khatami Mashhadi
Event Manager (2019-2020): Rinat Yapparov

Chapter Functionaries:
Vice Standard Bearer (2019): Kateryna Morozovska
Master of Ceremonies (2019-2020): Federico Rorro
Nominating committee member (2019): Kateryna Morozovska

There are currently 5 board member positions that will be by-elected at the next chapter meeting:
Webmaster (2019-2020)
Working Group Manager (2019-2020)
Treasurer (2019)
Communication Manager (2019)
Business Manager (2019)
If you are interested in any of these board positions, please contact

There were also elections regarding the council members of each of the PhD School Councils. These people were elected for the positions as council members and PADs.

ABE School Council:
Chairperson: David Leffler
Vice Chairperson: Olli Kytömäki
Board members: David Leffler, Olli Kytömäki & Sofia Eckersten
Representative in the strategic councils: Olli Kytömäki
Architecture (Main): Janek Ozmin
Architecture (Deputy): Anna Lena Stina Andersson & Helena Westerlind
Civil and Architectural Engineering (Main): David Leffler
Civil and Architectural Engineering (Deputy): Andreas Sjölander, Cong Wang & Jonas Hatzenbühler
Philosophy and History (Main): Anna Wedin
Philosophy and History (deputy): Jesse Peterson & Maria Nordström
Real Estate and Construction Management (Main): Olli Kytömäki
Real Estate and Construction Management (Deputy): Mo Zheng
SEED (Main): Sofia Eckersten
SEED (Deputy): Elias Sebastian Azzi, Nicolas Francart & Per Sherif Zakhour
Urband Planning and Environment (Main): Kelsey Oldbury

CBH School Council:
Chairperson: Valentina Furlanetto
Vice Chairpersons: Cevin Zhang & Henrik Grimler
Board Members: Valentina Furlanetto, Cevin Zhang & Henrik Grimler

EECS School Council:
Board Members: Alessandro Enrico, Alexey Metreveli, Dan Pettersson, Dimitrios Voulgaris, Erik Berglund, Estera Stefániková, Lars Herre & Viktoriia Mishukova

ITM School Council:
Board Members: Lorenzo Marchetti & Devy Kartika Ratnasari

SCI School Council (based on school recommendations):
Board Members: Anders Johansson, Ross Harnden, Yulia Mishchenko, Petter Lind, Hjalmar Staf , Carl-Magnus Everitt, Nasrin Altafi Razlighi, Philippe Pierre Haïm Moreillon, Samuel Fromm, Nicolas Offermans, Sagar Zade, Annie Westerlund, Felix Vennberg, Katharina Zeuner, Kian Shaker Doodran, Shan Williams Jolin & Johan Westerborn Alenlöv


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